Department of Language and Professional Training

Karpenko Nadiia
PhD, Assistant Professor
Education: Ukrainian language and literature faculty named after G.F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
majoring in “Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Ukrainian language and literature” (2005)
Academic degree, academic title: PhD (2009), Assistant Professor (2011)
Department work experience: Since 2021 she has been working with foreign students of the Medical School from India, Turkey, and African countries.
Academic disciplines: "Ukrainian language for professional Purposes", "Foreign Language for Professional Purposes" (Ukrainian), "Foreign language by profession" (Ukrainian).
Research interests: Stylistics and culture of speech of modern Ukrainian, methods of teaching foreign languages.
Publications: Author of more than 30 publications, including:
- Karpenko N. (2018). Verbonominants as components of the vocabulary of the official business style of the modern Ukrainian language: linguistic didactic aspect. Language teaching in higher educational institutions at the modern stage. Interdisciplinary connections: a collection of scientific papers, Kharkiv, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issue 32, P. 36-46.
- Karpenko N. (2019). The linguistic didactic aspect of studying indivisible verb-noun compounds. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology, Odesa, Issue 38, Vol. 1, P. 17-19.
- Karpenko N. (2020). Indivisible verb-noun compounds in the aspect of the theory of book styles. A young scientist, Issue 5 (81), P. 466-469.
- Karpenko N. (2020). Peculiarities of using indivisible verb-noun compounds in legislative discourse. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Trends and Prospects of the Development of Science and Education in the Conditions of Globalization" (June 26, 2020). Pereiaslav.
- Karachova D., Karpenko N., Ahibalova T. (2021). The role of translation transformations in achieving equivalence and adequacy of the translation of economic texts. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. No. 52, Vol. 2, P. 141-145.
- Goloborodko, I., Kostikova, I., Goloborodko, E., Karpenko, N., & Girich, Z. (2021). Herta Muller’s Modeling Estacade in the Novel «The Hunger Angel». Amazonia Investiga, Vol. 10 (No 48), Р. 150-156. (Scopus).
- Ahibalova T., Karpenko N. (2022). Integration of an intercultural approach into the process of mastering a foreign language. Current issues of the humanities: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Issue 53, Vol.1, P. 242-249.
- Ahibalova T., Karachova D., Karpenko N. Developing oral competence within foreign language acquisition context. Розвиток усної компетенції в контексті опанування іноземної мови. Викладання мов у вищих навчальних закладах освіти на сучасному етапі. Міжпредметні звʼязки. 2023. Вип. 43. С. 12–24.
International cooperation: A team application has been submitted for participation in the project "Resilient Ukraine as Part of the European Educational Space: Building Digital Ecosystem for Studies in Ukrainian Language – Culture – History (UKRES)" for the Erasmus+ program competition.
Participation in conferences: The study of indivisible verb-noun compounds as a scientific problem. Scientific and practical online conference "Native science at the turn of the century: problems and prospects for development" (Ukraine, 2021).
Formation of communicative competence of foreign students as a goal of Ukrainian language learning. Scientific-methodical Internet conference on the problems of higher education and science "Teaching humanitarian and Ukrainian studies disciplines by means of distance learning: theory and practice of higher education institutions" (Ukraine, 2022).
Development of technical terminology by leading terminological institutions in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. XX International scientific and practical conference "Technologies, innovative and modern theories of scientists" (Austria, 2023).
Art technologies in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern theories and improvement of world methods" (Finland, 2023).
Independent work of foreign students in learning the Ukrainian language. International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of science, education and society" (Finland, 2023).
Study of Ukrainian pontonyms. Creative business management and implementation of new ideas: Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference (Estonia, 2024).
Professional development Certificate of advanced training at the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Linguistic Didactics of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Faculty named after G.F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (2021).
Knowledge of foreign languages: English language (level B1).